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Things to Know Before Self-Medicating Yourself

It can be difficult to fully avoid self-medicating. A lot of medications and vaccines require the expertise of medical professionals for safe administration. But in numerous instances, we all practice self-medication, especially when we make use of over-the-counter drugs.

As a drug store in Connecticut, we understand that despite it being hard to avoid, self-medication does have its share of harmful effects on our health. Let’s break down how this habit can put our health in danger.

  • Inherent Harmful Effects
    Distributors of pharmaceuticals are more than aware of the inherent negative effects of medications. Despite their power to treat conditions, they can hurt our health when heavily misused. Unfortunately, self-medication can be an avenue for many people to misuse available medications, putting their health at risk of further complications.
  • Medication Interactions
    Your medications can also bring harmful effects when they interact with other substances in your body. Many people cannot predict these interactions, especially with the lack of insight from medical providers.
  • Deprivation of Proper Care
    One of the biggest yet most subtle effects of self-medication is how it deprives you of expert, quality care. There is a huge chance that you will not treat your illnesses through self-medication. And continuing to do it hinders you from getting the care you need to facilitate true healing.

Here at Hancock Pharmacy VII LLC, we have pharmacists who can help you with safe medication intake. We also provide you with medical supplies in New Haven, Connecticut, to aid in improving your overall wellness.

We offer free delivery in Connecticut for maximum convenience. Feel free to call us for your inquiries!

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