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Medication Management in Nursing and Residential Homes


Medication management is a critical aspect of healthcare, especially in nursing and residential homes where residents often require multiple medications to manage their health conditions. Proper medication management is crucial to ensure the safety and well-being of residents, and HANCOCK PHARMACY VII LLC is committed to providing comprehensive medication services to nursing and residential homes.

One of the essential services offered by our medical supplies in New Haven, Connecticut, is medication administration records (MARs). MARs are comprehensive records that document the medications administered to each resident, including the medication name, dosage, route, time, and the staff member who administered it. MARs play a crucial role in preventing medication errors and ensuring accurate medication administration.

Another service provided is a private charge system with direct billing to caregivers or residents. This system simplifies the billing process for medications and ensures that residents receive their medications promptly without any financial burden.

Our experienced pharmacists are available to review patients’ charts, provide expert advice on medication management, and answer any questions or concerns related to medications and vaccines. This service helps caregivers and residents make informed decisions about their medications and promotes medication safety.

In addition to the services provided, there are several best practices that caregivers and residents can follow to ensure effective medication management in nursing and residential homes. These include maintaining an up-to-date medication list for each resident, reviewing medications regularly for potential drug-drug interactions, ensuring proper storage of medications, and promoting medication adherence among residents.

For more information about multiple-unit dose delivery systems for medication management, contact us at 203-776-7100.

We also offer free delivery in Connecticut.

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